Sensor – Pneumatic Cylinder Magnetic Switch


  1.  The CS1-U series magnetic switches are used for SC,SU,SI standard cylinders.
  2.  The default length of cable is 1meter, more length can be selected,like 2m,3m,4m,5m…
  3. Mounting it conveniently on the cylinder.


Model  CS1-U CS1-UB
Switch logic  Open Closed
Sensor type Reed switch type
Operating Voltage 5~240V DC/AC 5~120V DC/AC
Switching Current 100mA max
Contact Rating 10W max
Current Consumption No
Voltage Drop 2.5V max@100mA
Leakage Current No
Indicator Red Green
Cable Φ3.8, 2C, Gray PVC
Sensitivity 60 Gauss
Max.switch Frequency 200Hz
Temperature Range -10~70℃
Shock 30G
Vibration 9G
Fence Classfication IEC 529 IP67 (NEMA6)
Protection Circuit No

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